Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008

Sledging is so fun to do

We are always glad for a white Christmas and just near our house is a way, in the wintertime closed for the traffic,only open to go sledging.
This is really fun, not only for the kids!

Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008

Not every tree can hold on to the heavy snow

We go every Friday morning walking for one hour through the forest. We are sometimes 6 persons and one dog and sometimes just two persons, like today.
That much snow is so beautiful, but it is quite warm and the snow starts to melt.
We also have to be very careful, because the forest is large and it doesn't look like usual.

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

Snow and Christmastrees

First view in the morning, over the street to the barn, where Hans goes to milk our cows.

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008

Indian Summer keeps the snow away

The snow didn't stay to long, it wasn't to good for plants and trees.
The boys enjoy the nature and they like to run around and have fun.
They enjoy nice weather and so it is even better to go to school with the bycicles without snowfall.

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

First havy snow in Switzerland

We had never so fast that much snow in Switzerland since 1939.
I went downtown yesterday and when I came home it was white everywhere.

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Sunday trip to the mountains

We went with friends last "Sunday to the Simmenfälle in Lenk". 
We had fog in Oberbottigen and we were glad to go up to see the sunshine and it really was pretty up here. We walked over 1 hour, but when we got up to where usually is a restaurant. It was already closed for wintertime and so we went back down to Lenk to eat out in a restaurant.

We expect snow this week, the rain started yesterday and it turns cold. Gabi from upstaires and I made yesterday some grape juice and it come out real good.
Today afternoon I will go and visit my parents, they always enjoy to have company.

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008

Pictures from corn harvesting to feed the cows

Corn was very well this year and we got more, than we expected.
Here you can see some pictures:
Our family is doing well and Andrea will come from Dubai to Switzerland in December to visit us and stay one week.

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

Indian Summer - Pictures from Oberbottigen

Everybody was traveling or walking around yesterday on Sunday!
Hans went with our employee Robert from Slowakia with the motorcycle to the Jura in France , they went with friends, they were about 7 people with 5 motorcycles.

I myself went to church, then to the westside and later in the afternoon to my father in law, which is in the nursing home.

Today starts school for the children, they don't have to go very far, so they go with the bicycles.
Here are some pictures from Oberbottigen :

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2008

Fall colors are starting to get pretty

This picture is taken yesterday next to Gümligen.
We also have corn and the harvest is very good this year.
We use it to feed our cows.

Montag, 6. Oktober 2008

The global world is a village

Now almost the whole world is having a problem with his paper money and we just hope for a good solution.
We have a lot of work around the farm, but we have now a new employee from Slowakia.
He also eats with us, so I have to cook one potato more.
Tomorrow is opening the "Westside Center" two miles from here.
Yesterday and went to visit my parents. I go to them mostly ones a week.

Samstag, 27. September 2008

Nice Indian summer in Switzerland

We have a nice indian summer and it is warm outside. The children around here are having school vacation and a lots of families are away for one or two weeks.
So we are alone in our house and besides our 3 cats we have 4 other cats to feed.
We are in a time of massive change, but things still go very well.
We got this year more money for the milk, but now the farmers went ahead and produced more milk, then the swiss people can use and for overseas is our milk to expensive.
So this might bring down the price again, but we will see.
We wish you all good ideas to shape the future.

Mittwoch, 17. September 2008

Westside just around the corner

Whenever I go to Bern or go to visit my parents, it takes me 2 Miles to get to the highway and here is going to be a new shoppping mall, also with cinemas, restaurants, lots of shopping goods, swimmingpools and nearby is a mursing home.
The only thing it takes is a big wallet.
The older people can rent small apartments, one ore 2 rooms and get care, if they get sick.
Von westside0908

The opening will be October, 8. 2008 and they are still finishing everything and givint the last
I had the chance to go for a tour last week and the paint still ist wet!

Montag, 15. September 2008

Summertime is over, its cooler in Switzerland

From one day to the other the temperature dropped down to 10° C.

Even the Swiss banks felt the black Monday from die USA yesterday.
They say it is like a thundercalp and it will take several days to get back to normal and the worldwide net of the finanzsystem has to be rebuild.
Of course we know that banks help each other in emergencies, but we know, that everything will cool down and we will get more unemployed people next year.

Samstag, 6. September 2008

It rains and we go to Bern without an umbrella

It takes me half an hour to go to the station in Bern and as you can see, there is no problem with rain.
Gasoline and heating oil will remain the same at this time, but we got a letter from the electric power company, where they write us, that next year, the price from the electricity will go up by 10 to 20 percent.

Sonntag, 24. August 2008

Grand spectacle closes Beijing Olympics

First comes Paralympic Games for disabled atheletes and wheelchair sportsmen and sportswomen, and then it gets back to normal that means to get back taking up production in factories and using more oil in China. Oil is low at 115 Dollar and as long as more country like people in India, Africa, South America and China wants to drive a car, the oil will rise up again and it is time to get away from the oil.
It was a wonderful sunday and we went to visit Hans's father and went with him on a walk.

Freitag, 22. August 2008

They are all cousins

Cormick, Carina, Leonie and Ronja are cousins.
Leonie has a black mother and Cormick is a boy, which will hopefuly be used as a father for many more cattles.

Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

Pictures from United States

I put the picture from our traveling to the United States on my website

Sonntag, 3. August 2008

90th birthday of Erich, born August 4. 1918

My father Erich Bucher was born 90 years ago in Aarau, Switzerland to Elise and Gottlieb Bucher- Gerber.
His mother Elise was born in Schangnau, Switzerland and she had a older brother Gottfried Gerber, who emigrated to the United States, when he was a jung man.
My father still remembers to go with his mother and his only brother Eugen to visit the homeplace of the Gerber's in Schangnau.

Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008

1. August, National Holiday Switzerland

Our Nationalday is like Sunday. It is the day to go for brunch and then at night to go someplace to see the fireworks everywhere.

Montag, 28. Juli 2008

Time is ripe for combine

Our third Partner Hanspeter Thomet is combining and he also likes to take
pictures from the tractors, the fields and so on.

Samstag, 26. Juli 2008

Swiss weather online

The beautiful weather of recent days, made the grain ready to harvest and the combine are in use almost days and nights.
We are always 6 hours ahead of you, when it ist 10.00 am in the morning in Switzerland, then you are still sleeping and it is 4.00 am.
When we go to bed 11.00 pm at night, then you will be eating supper at 5.00 pm and still have the evening in front of you.

Here you can see our weather radar:

Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008

The world is a globale village

When the prices get high then we start to spend less money on less things we don't really need.
And the results are seen all over the world.
Till now almost everybody has work here and it is hard to get people for a job on a farm. Normal work is 42 hours a week and on farms it is 52 1/2 hours a week.

The gazoline is still about Fr. 2.-- a Liter and the diesel is about Fr. 2.20.

Switzerland took 2006 the oil to 48.8 % from Libya, 30.6 % from Nigeria and 11.9 % from Kasachstan.
Libya is punishing Switzerland because they arrested Gaddafis son in Geneva.
Now we hope Switzerland and Libya can discuss this matter in Tripolis and will settle down the differences.

Dienstag, 22. Juli 2008

View from the south

We got a cool, fresh summer, cloudy and not to much sunshine and some rain every other day.
Its cool in the morning and I hope for some warmer weather in the next few days.
But it is well for farming and plants are growing fast.

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

My sister Therese and I went with my parents Ruth and Erich on the lake Thun.
Monday was our mothers 82. birthday and she just loves to be on the lake.

Sonntag, 13. Juli 2008

Rain over the weekend

Some Farmers startet to get the barley, but after a few days came some rain again and it got cooler.
This is the view from my kitchen, to the right you can see down to the railroad station.
It takes by feet 10 minutes to get to the station and about 30 minutes to be downtown in Bern.
We got several new calves last week and they are doing fine.
Every 2 days comes the truck to get the milk.
To that time we give away 640 Gallon every two days.

Dienstag, 8. Juli 2008

News around the world easy to translate

I found this news in german and put it with the translation tool to english:

Already 25 Groundings because of expensive oil
The rising price of fuel this year has put some 25 airlines worldwide, forced to close as many as never before.

It is cool outside and I hope summer will come back for this weekend.

Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

5 weeks school vacation

Yesterday started the school vacation.

The family upstairs went on vacation for two weeks to France and our partner family went on vacation for Italy.

So Hans has more work with the farming and I have three more cats to feed.

We had just enough rain last week, so everything can grow just fine in the garden and on the field.

Otherwise the weather is just fine.

We still are looking for a guy, which would like to work on our farm, but employees are to that time not interested to work on a farm, because earnings is to small on a farm and 52.5 hours a week is to much, when you can get a job somewhere else for more money in just 45 hours or less a week.

There is still enough work around and we are yet not hit by unemployment.

Montag, 30. Juni 2008

Lazy Sunday afternoon

A bottle of water, a book and nothing to do, just enjoy home. Here with Thomas (8 year) and Patrick (12year). They live upstairs.

Montag, 23. Juni 2008

view from our home

It is early in the morning and we had just beautiful and warm weather till today. Hans is in the barn melking cows, Martin just left for work and Hanspeter is doing his businesswork. It is before breakfast and something is in the air: Is it going to rain today? I got a new dishwasher yesterday and so I got more time for anything else, there is always enough to chose from.....

Freitag, 20. Juni 2008

Everybody is working or staying outside

The farmers are pressing hay, and all the others stay just outside, working in the garden, going for a walk or just enjoying the nice temperature.
Even TV are outside to watch the European Football Champinships.
Tonight is Holland - Russia.

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008

Finally: The summer is back in Bern

I found this in the newspaper from today and I put it with a tool to into english:

Finally: The summer is back in Bern

After the barely endless rain of recent days, yesterday in the capital for the first time again the summer reported.
The unexpected sunshine and high temperatures attracted to the Berne outside and provided a good mood.
The best thing now is to stay the summer:
"Until the weekend, temperatures rise to 25 degrees," says Philippe Gyarmati of Meteo test.

And I found also this:

Energy consumption around the world is growing

The global energy consumption, despite higher fuel continued to rise. Last year total consumption grew by 2.4 percent, as shown by statistics presented to the oil group BP shows.

This increase was slightly weaker than 2.7 percent in the penultimate year. The growth was, however, for the fifth time in a row over the ten-year average.

In the European Union, the consumption contrary to the global trend by 2.2 percent. Germany even recorded a minus of 5.6 percent to 311 million tonnes of oil equivalent. On the other hand, used the U.S. as the world's largest consumer last year, 1.7 percent more energy, China 7.7 percent even more.

The global oil production is last year since 2002 for the first time dropped - namely by 0.2 percent. The proven oil reserves but were unchanged at 1.24 trillion barrel This rich, the current production level for more than 41 years to maintain, says the study.

Gas consumption rose according to the statistics 3.1 percent. The U.S. used because of a cold winter clearly more gas in the EU, it was because of a mild winter less.

Coal accounted for the fourth consecutive year, the strongest growth rate of all energy sources, with an increase of 4.5 percent. On the other hand, the consumption of nuclear energy by two percent.

Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008

Is sommer coming?

It is nice and warm outside and we hope it will stay warm for quite a while.
The farmer have less salads and strawberries and to bring hay in was almost impossible.

I went out yesterday and took some pictures from the cows.
They just went to the barn for milking.
You can see the diashow on the right side.

We are so glad we came to visit the USA and met you all.
Now the flight tickets are going up, because of the record prices for oil.
And I guess it will take a short time, till we have to pay more for everything else around us.

I visited my parents yesterday and showed them all my pictures on my laptop.

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008

Everyday life is back after all

Outside, it is cool and we all need to wear a warm sweater.
The men's choir from Oberbottigen gave a brunch and Hans and I had to help. There were some 150 people and we had fun.
We were very tired last night, because of the jetlag and Hans went up early in the morning to milk the cows.

Freitag, 13. Juni 2008

Back in Switzerland

Hans and I got back 8 o'clock this morning from the USA, we had a safely flight and got easy back through the border from Zurich Switzerland. Hanspeter was waiting outside at the airport.
The weather is cloudy and a little bit cooler than in Detroit.
Everything is well at home.
And the gasoline is also more expensive, than it was two weeks ago.
A gallon of gasoline costs now 7.2 U.S. dollars, and with our car we drive about 38 Miles with a gallon.
Our business Partner and his wife come this evening to visit us and we will tell them about our traveling and they will tell us about around here.