Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008

The world is a globale village

When the prices get high then we start to spend less money on less things we don't really need.
And the results are seen all over the world.
Till now almost everybody has work here and it is hard to get people for a job on a farm. Normal work is 42 hours a week and on farms it is 52 1/2 hours a week.

The gazoline is still about Fr. 2.-- a Liter and the diesel is about Fr. 2.20.

Switzerland took 2006 the oil to 48.8 % from Libya, 30.6 % from Nigeria and 11.9 % from Kasachstan.
Libya is punishing Switzerland because they arrested Gaddafis son in Geneva.
Now we hope Switzerland and Libya can discuss this matter in Tripolis and will settle down the differences.

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